WA: 0895-8006-39483

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Softlens Barbie Eye Diamond 17.5mm

Kategori17.5 mm, Barbie Diamond, Barbie Eye
Stok ready
Di lihat12066 kali
Berat(/pcs)0.07 Kg
Harga Rp 105.000

Detail Produk Softlens Barbie Eye Diamond 17.5mm

Softlens Barbie Eye Diamond dengan motif permata yang elegan, diameter yang besar dan cantik

Diameter: 17.5mm
Water Content: 45%
Life Span 12 months
Made in Korea

Harga Rp 105.000,-
(sudah termasuk lenscase)

Ready: Black, choco, brown, grey, green, and violet

***Reseller are welcome***


Review Softlens Barbie Eye Diamond

Detail produk Softlens Barbie Eye Diamond

barbie diamond black 2 detail barbie diamond black barbie diamond blackbarbie diamond black



barbie diamond choco barbie diamond choco barbie diamond choco



barbie diamond grey barbie diamond grey barbie diamond grey
barbie diamond brown barbie diamond yellow 2 barbie diamond brown



barbie diamond blue barbie diamond choco 2 barbie diamond bluedetail barbie diamond blue



barbie diamond green barbie diamond green 2 barbie diamond green



barbie diamond violet barbie diamond violet 2


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Rekening Bank

7970153858 Evelyn H The
152-001-351-3037 Evelyn H The
0414196367 Evelyn H The
382-501-004-165-508 Evelyn H The


Hubungi Kami

WA: 0895-8006-39483
WA: 0895-8006-39483