WA: 0895-8006-39483

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Softlens Hitam (Black)

KategoriHitam (BLACK)
Stok Ready
Di lihat72176 kali
Harga Rp (Hubungi CS)

Detail Produk Softlens Hitam (Black)

Bingung mencari softlens warna hitam yang paling bagus?

Berikut ini list produk softlens kami yang tersedia untuk warna hitam (black). Ada softlens hitam pekat, softlens hitam bermotif, softlens hitam diameter besar. Berbagai variasi sesuai selera Anda.

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Softlens Hitam (Black)

EOS Baby Black (Diameter: 15mm, Water Content: 38%) Rp 90.000
softlens eos baby black, softlens hitam diameter besar



Geo Magic Circle Black (Diameter: 14.2mm, Water Content: 42%) Rp 100.000
geo magic black ck-105


Geo Hyper Black / XCK-105(Diameter: 14.5mm, Water Content: 42%) Rp 105.000
geo hyper black xck-105 geo hyper black xck-105

Mini Clean Black (Diameter: 14.5mm, Water Content: 55%) Rp 110.000

kk mini clean black Softlens_mini_clean_black


Mini Margarita Black (Diameter: 14.5mm  , Water Content: 55 %) Rp 110.000
softlens Kitty kawai Mini Margarita Black


Super Yogurt Black (Diameter: 21.8mm, Water Content 62%) Rp 125.000 
Baby Color Super Yogurt Black 21.8mm softlens hitam diameter besar


Dolly Eye Glamour Black (Diameter: 22.8mm, Water Content 62%) Rp 145.000,-
dolly eye black softlens hitam diameter besar detail softlens dolly eye black


Sclera Black (Semi-Sclera) Diameter: 23mm (Diameter Paling Besar), Water Content 55%  Rp 150.000
softlens warna hitam sclera black sclera black softlens hitam pekat diameter besar



Diva Soul Black (Diameter: 14.8mm, Water Content: 50%) Rp 95.000


Diva Lollipops (Diameter: 17.2mm, Water Content 48%) Rp 95.000
softlens diva lollipops black


EOS Luna Black (Diameter: 14.5mm, Water Content: 40%) Rp 90.000
softlens eos luna black


EOS V-Check Black (Diameter: 14.5mm, Water Content: 38%) Rp 90.000
eos v-check black


DUBAI 3TONE (Diameter: 20.8mm, Water Content: 55%)  Rp 95.000
dubai black softlens dubai 3 tone black


Summer Doll Eye Black (Diameter: 19.8mm, Water Content: 48%)  Rp 125.000,-
softlens summer doll black


Princess Universe Black (Diameter: 15mm, Water Content: 52%) Rp 115.000 
Princess Universe Black Hole


Barbie Princess Lace Black (Diameter: 17.5mm, Water Content: 42%) Rp 125.000
softlens barbie princess lace black 2


Barbie Diamond Black (Diameter: 17.5mm, Water Content: 45%) Rp 125.000
barbie diamond black
Barbie Pure Black (Diameter: 15.8mm, Water Content: 48%) Rp 120.000
barbie pure black


Hello Kitty Eye Black (Diameter: 18.8mm, Water Content: 58%) Rp 125.000
Eyemeny Pudding Black (Diameter: 22.8mm, Water Content: 60%)  Rp 130.000,-
eyemeny pudding black 3


Fairy of Water Content Black (Diameter: 17.8mm, Water Content 48%) Rp 130.000,-
Fairy black 165rb
ViviAina Mondoll (Diameter: 19.8mm , Water Content: 42%) Rp 135.000 Rp 130.000,-
Softlens Viviaina Mondoll Black


Mibuki Aya Black (Diameter: 19.2mm, Water Content: 60%) Rp 130.000,-
mibuki black


Aimu Medusa Black (Diameter: 17.8mm, Water Content: 42%) Rp 130.000
softlens aimu medusa black



Produk lain Hitam (BLACK)

Rekening Bank

7970153858 Evelyn H The
152-001-351-3037 Evelyn H The
0414196367 Evelyn H The
382-501-004-165-508 Evelyn H The


Hubungi Kami

WA: 0895-8006-39483
WA: 0895-8006-39483